What is DBT?
The origins
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) was developed by Dr Marsha Linehan in the 1980’s. At
the time, Dr Linehan was a behavioural Psychologist with a background in researching
suicide. She was very interested in researching treatments that were effective for people
experiencing these thoughts and associated behaviours. Interestingly, at the time many
research studies would exclude people if they experienced suicidal thoughts and so, it
wasn’t clear what was effective. Most of the clients that Dr Linehan worked with had
complex presentations – they had multiple mental health difficulties with specific challenges
with regulating their emotions. Dr Linehan found most people met criteria for borderline
personality disorder (BPD).
The Model
DBT stems from cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). It draws on CBT strategies to help
people change and it also adds parts of acceptance, based in modified Zen practices. It was
found that when working with clients living with BPD, they benefited from addressing both
their need for change and their need to be accepted and understood. DBT includes four
skills training modules including: Core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation
and interpersonal effectiveness. When working with young people and families, there is a
fifth module – walking the middle path. Comprehensive DBT includes four integral
components: skills training group, individual therapy, phone coaching (support for clients to
use skills outside of therapy) and consultation group (a support space for therapists).
Is it effective?
Since it has been developed comprehensive DBT has been very well researched. Studies
indicate that DBT reduces suicidal behaviour (by 50%), visits to emergency departments for
suicidality (by 53%), self-harm and hospitalisations (by 73%). It also leads to an increase in
overall functioning and increase in self-esteem. Many studies have also demonstrated a
reduction in cooccurring substance misuse, eating difficulties, anger, hopelessness,
impulsivity and depression. We know that DBT is considered a gold start treatment for BPD.
We also know from the research that DBT can be an effective treatment for post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), depression and young people experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Variations of DBT
In addition to the standard DBT model, there have many several adaptations made to cater
to different groups of people. These include:
- DBT-A (DBT was adolescents – also known as multi-family DBT)
- DBT-PE (prolonged exposure – for PTSD)
- DBT-C (children)
- DBT-E (for an eating disorder – excluding anorexia)
- Abridged DBT (either stand-alone individual session or stand-alone skills group
How do I access DBT?
There are several practitioners that provide DBT, both in the public and private sector.
Ideally, look for a therapist that has a special interest in the area, has completed intensive
training in how to provide the treatment, such as through Behavioural Tech – Dr Linehan’s
training group and who has experience in providing the treatment.
Wanting to book an appointment with me? Connect with me via my email here: hello@lifeworthlivingpsychology.com.au